trueGOD Television would like to extend an offer to Christian Movie Studios, Record Labels and Indie Artists that will bring greater exposure and revenue to your ministry. This offer is extended to those that currently have DVD inventory. At Blockbuster you can Buy or Rent DVDs. However, today’s technology, driven by iTunes, allows consumers to now Buy or Rent movies digitally, but try to find “Christian Drama”, in iTunes…and everything but Christian Drama will come up. is a Global Christian Television Network that broadcasts, rents and sells video content in over 220 countries and regions of the world. With a mailing list of 100,000, markets, promotes, digitizes and sells your videos for you. Customers can now Buy or Rent your digital downloadable high-quality videos with no shipping costs, no printing expenses, and no DVD manufacturing. Ultimately, this means significant added profit to your bottom line. This is the future. Just as MP3 sales have surpassed CD sales, so will Digital Downloadable videos. This is done for you in a revenue share model that is superior to what iTunes is offering, and YOU set the price of your product! Simple, no upfront, backdoor or hidden costs.
If you want to find out more, please email [email protected] , Contact Us or call 513-293-8841.