Global Christian Internet Television
Broadcasting Everywhere, on Everything
Over 100 languages, 120+ Channels, Thousands of Videos, serving over 200 nations monthly.
Mission . Vision . Purpose
To go into all the earth, proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ in every major language, culture and people group; utilizing Internet technology, video presentations, product distribution and marketing strategies.
trueGOD.tv – Global Christian Internet Television. [Mathew 28:18-20]
Capturing the imagination for Christ using entertainment and advanced technology. Bringing sound biblical teaching, multi-cultural expressions of worship and creative ministry presentations – consistently, faithfully and globally. [Psalm 26:7]
To educate, inform and inspire all to receive salvation in Jesus Christ; achieve a closer walk with God; and live holy, purpose-filled lives to the Glory of God. [Ephesians 4:11-13]
trueGOD Streaming Plans
Call us at +1 404 399 8340
* Broadcasting Everywhere – All open systems, devices that can run video streaming, all browsers, all open social sites, all game consoles with internet browsers, all blue ray devices with internet browsers, all OTT devices with open internet connections or apps, all platforms that will accept apps with internet video streaming. This includes any device, platform, operating system with at least 1% market share that can broadcast video.
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Grace in the Time of a Storm