The team here at trueGOD Television have been very busy with extensive upgrades and restructuring of our broadcasting platform. Although the changes are all behind the scenes, they greatly impact the quality and reach of the content broadcast by trueGODtv. We are pleased to let you know about some of the changes.
After extensive testing we started migrating across our broadcast infrastructure a new player with includes; Quality Selection, Auto Quality settings, Phone and Tablet advertising features. The upgrades in our streaming infrastructure required changes in our player as well. The changes that we have been working on in our streaming, storage and VOD platform are still ongoing. But the majority of the major changes are compete. These changes provide redundant cloud storage locations of over 200,000 video, image and closed caption files. And allows us to reduce the load time of our player and videos.
We have also added 6 new servers to our platform to improve the player performance. We changed our core website server software to a product that can accommodate thousands of hits per second. All of our load balanced, redundant, fail-over servers have now been upgraded with this new software.
Our new content delivery network infrastructure allows for us to handle 10 times as much concurrent traffic without adding additional streaming servers. We have increased the computing power of our trans-coding server platform by 4 times. This allows us to handle even higher quality levels than before, preparing the way for 2K, and 4K HD streaming.
We created a new inventory system to keep track of the 5 storage and broadcasting systems we now have. We are in the middle of implementing a new security type of streaming with “content signing”, to protect content from being unauthorized “sharing” and downloads. This new approach combined with the new inventory system will allow much faster load times of our scheduled playlists and VOD broadcasting. For live broadcast, we have our player now loading in less than 1 second.
We launched a new social broadcast branded streaming page, with responsive capabilities. That means that it will respond to the connecting device (mobile, tablet, desktop, smartTV) and provide an optimal presentation, the correct streaming technology, player size and provide interactive access to major social areas like Facebook, Twitter, without leaving the broadcast. We are the first that we know of to offer this type of responsive social broadcast page. This is being offered to live broadcasters with channels on our platform only.
We will continue to improve and debug our new upgrades. The features and growth of broadcasting ability they provide are worth the Research and Development invested. We are striving to make the upgrades and transitions as invisible as possible.
Yours in Christ Service,
Franklin Mayfield,
Ministry Director
trueGOD Television Networks