I was meditating on the attributes of God and some of the attributes of man this morning, and something interesting struck me.
Our God is infinite love, infinite beauty, infinite wisdom. Do you understand what that means? He is infinitely engaging, infinitely intriguing, infinitely attractive, infinitely awe inspiring.
We in our modern culture are incredible consumers of entertainment, most of which is either empty, or worse, destructive to our spiritual relationship with God. If we can learn to get our satisfaction in God. His beauty, person, and expressions of His wisdom, through His musicians, artists, writers, and other creative, expressive tools that He uses to display His glory in this life. One day we will be rewarded with an eternal every growing, ever fulfilling, satisfaction in the greatest personality in all of heaven and earth. God wants to spend eternity with us, and that eternity will be from Glory to Glory forever. Ever radiant expressions of God who is All in All. We with our new bodies will have a immensely expanded capacity to receive, reflect, respond, rejoice and react to what we cannot comprehend today. This relationship will be infinitely satisfying. How does eternity with God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost look now?
Minster Franklin Mayfield
Director of trueGOD Television Networks