When my God said, Let There BE LIGHT!,
He released a fractal of complexity,
beautiful in it’s simplicity,
infinite yet released in dimensions 3, 4 and more.
Just scratching the surface of His majesty.
Declaring a shadow of how immense God must be.
Light; visible red, blue and green,
combined to make the dazzling blazing brightness,
Beyond what the eye, the heart can see. IS SO SMALL.
All light, infra, utlra, cosmic, and the x-rays that pierce your soul,
combined is 1 trillion times bigger than the sliver we call RGB.
But God, who is LIGHT,
and no darkness abounds in HIM,
gave us a little peek,
again with an overwhelming expanse, of Light and Lights.
Sun, moon and stars, declaring His glory.
Singing His Majesty and His simple Elegant Complexity.
Did you know all of the host, was made with one line, one verse. One equation.
Fractals again, just like they end never, winding ever, in complexity, and beauty.
My God, said an equation, so long but so small, and all the starry host began,
with light stretched already in place, already spanning the space.
No need to travel light years to get here, created then from end to end.
No time needed. Just Speak it.
This God, said, “This is My Beloved Son”,
declaring from eternity past, to eternity future,
His Joy in the Only Begotten of the Father.
My Jesus, who amazes the masses, confuses the classes, and preforms the impossible.
The Son is the Strength of the Father, the Speaker of the Word, the Originator of the Equation.
The Author of the Fractal. So you think you and simply dismiss HIM.
The CHRIST with His last days on dirt.
When confronted by a few hundred men made of dust.
With sticks and matches, spears and torches.
Held together by the breath that He breathed into their father Adam.
When asked He said, I AM.
And they all fell back from the Glory, the Power of the eternal declaration.
As JESUS was preparing to accomplish the Mystery,
that was so hidden even the angels could not see,
the complexity, the beauty of horror that the Cross would be.
The culmination, the splitting of time, veils and covenants, old and new, all done,
when He said, IT IS FINISHED.
Yet the atonement included the resurrection,
with the Keys of Hell and Death in HIS possession.
Done by the POWER of the Father, the POWER of the Son
and the POWER of the Holy Wind.
The very presence of God here in this dimension.
Producing a new thing, a new being, a new body, a new race of which I will be. Because.
Because He also said, I LOVE YOU. Selah.
Written March 16, 2012 by inspiration of Gods Utterances, by Franklin Mayfield.