Welcome trueGOD Radio in June 2015 by being one of our special guests. Share your testimony. Tell us about your ministry. Upload a short (1-2 minute) video or audio recording of encouragement or exhortation.
Once we’re up and running, you will find the radio station by selecting the CHANNELS button.
Expect a variety of shows with timely topics, great music and an unlimited supply of inspiration.
Sermons by Anointed Speakers
The Prophetic Scribe Writer’s Forum (Authors and Writers)
Sermon Jams of Great Men & Women of God
Christian Music from around the world
The House of Skits (Storytelling, Poetry/Spoken Word)
Interviews with Special Guests on Various Topics
Exercise & Fitness
Diet & Nutrition
Christian News
Christian Education
Children’s Programming
Outreach Ministries (homeless, prison, etc.)
Creative Ministries (dance, art, music, theater), etc.
Missions and Missionaries
Nationwide Community Resources & Non-Profits
…….and more.
If you are interested in being featured on trueGODRadio:
- Download our Radio Guest Submission Form and follow the instructions.
- Sign up for FREE Membership at trueGOD.tv
- Upload your audio or video file.
- We will contact you to let you know if your submission is approved.*
*We reserve the right to reject any submission for any reason without explanation. See our HOS Policy Page for more information