ADVANCED Live! Streaming (Audio/Video) – 500 GB

ADVANCED Live! Streaming (Audio/Video) – 500 GB

Using our HTML5 Streaming Servers for streaming and our global CDN for distributed limitless concurrent viewers. Stream Live to Computers, Mobile Devices, iPhone, iPods, Cell Phones, Facebook Live and more. Live streaming for your organization, church or ministry, includes 500 Gigabytes of monthly bandwidth. Purchase monthly or annually. No setup fee for annual purchases.


Live streaming for your organization, church or ministry, includes 500 Gigabytes of monthly bandwidth. Broadcasting on our Advance Platform (Cloud Storage, One-The-Fly Transcoding, CDN Delivery, Auto Detecting Player), we have you covered from end to end for optimal broadcasts and message delivery. Our Auto Detecting Device Embed Player looks great and is responsive to your site design, mobile device or app.

All Live Streaming includes:

HD or 4K Live Broadcasting
No Ads Ever
Recording of Live Broadcasts
Mobile Compatible Player
SmartTV Compatible Player
24/7 Live Event Phone Support
9am – 9pm EST General Support
Social Integration
Extensive Options for Live Broadcasts
Unlimited VOD Upload
Auto Detecting Embed Player
API for Complete Player Control
WebApp for Mobile
Sharing Tools Built in
Customizable Info in player
Donation Link
App Embeddable
Tracking & Analytics
Facebook Live Broadcasting
Radio Player Option
360° VR Streaming
Unlimited Concurrent Connections
Unlimited Viewers
Church Online Compatible
Additional bandwidth above your package is invoiced at $0.10 per Gigabyte per month.

Additional information

Time Frame

Annually, Monthly

Bandwidth or Views

We have found that the average church will have about 10% of their total membership or monthly attendance as the number of those watching online. So if you have a church of 1,000 members, expect 100+/- persons to watch your main services. This will go up and down based upon special events, holidays, or guest speakers.

Below is a chart to help understand Bandwidth converted into Views (the number of views of your content):

500 150GB 200-500 50-150
1,000 300GB 400-1,000 100-300
1,500 500GB 600-1,500 150-450
3,000 1TB 1,200-3,000 300-900
4,500 1.5TB 1,800-4,500 450-1,350
6,000 2TB 2,400-6,000 600-1,800
9,000 3TB 3,600-9,000 900-2,700
15,000 5TB 6,000-15,000 1,500-4,500
21,000 7TB 8,400-21,000 2,100-6,300
30,000 10TB 12,000-30,000 3,000-9,000
45,000 15TB 18,000-45,000 4,500-13,500
60,000 20TB 24,000-60,000 6,000-18,000

* Bandwidth is based upon 1.5-2 hour services, broadcasting in SD (standard definition) and mobile quality. HD, 4K requires more bandwidth to broadcast, so the potential number of views are reduced. Radio requires far less, so the potential number of views is greater.
** Monthly views, 4-16 Services per month. Views based on 10% of membership for 4 services, then 10% for main 4 services plus 5% for remaining 12 services that month.

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