Massive Upgrade Underway
We are multiplying our servers, our impact, our ministry, our languages, our platforms. Spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. During this process, there may be some broken areas of the site (like this morning). Things that don’t add up (like the video counters), and others. We wanted to get this live, and now that it is, we have
Series, Updated TV Schedule & Extensive RSS
We are continuing to update the technology of We have added or improved more areas of the site. Series/Webisodes/Clips: If there is a series of messages, you will now see a new area on the right side of the videos. Which will include all of the messages in a series. You can click and
Donation Links for Channels, Ministries and Videos
We have added the ability for members to have Donation Links for their entire channel on individual videos. Donation links do have some restrictions. We hope that this update will encourage many to donate and support ministries around the world. The donation links point to your donation web pages only. They do not process donations for you.