Welcome trueGOD Radio in June 2015 by being one of our special guests. Share your testimony. Tell us about your ministry. Upload a short (1-2 minute) video or audio tape of encouragement or exhortation.
Each of us are called to “Go into all the world”, each of us are called to “Be a witness”, each of us are called to “Love our brother and sister”. Each of us are call to “Do unto others as we would have them do unto us”. trueGOD.tv is asking for each one of
We are thankful to the friends and churches that have faithfully donated, prayed and supported trueGOD.tv over the last 4 years. As we grow we need to strengthen both our network and relationship with you our dear friends in the ministry.
Gratitude, we are filled with Gratitude to God for His mercy and grace in this ministry. Three years ago our name was different, and we did not know that our mandate would be Global. We announce and launch the site at a media conference at Pastor Damon Lynch Jr.’s New Jerusalem Baptist Church. It is